

 The Automation Partner to Scale RCM Ops

for Private Equity-Backed Medical Groups


Private equity-backed (PEB) groups like yours need leadership that drives rapid and sustainable improvements in RCM performance. How are leading PEB healthcare organizations scaling their operations? With technology that enables system and process standardization necessary for rapid growth from Alpha II and RCxRules.

“I have over 30 years’ experience in healthcare with approximately 25 of those being in a revenue cycle role. During this time, I’ve worked for large and small companies, having had the opportunity to take part in a variety of improvement projects. Our team agrees that the RCxRules implementation was easily the best we’ve ever experienced. We are thankful for our ongoing partnership.”

Ellen Grasso  |   Sr. VP of Revenue Cycle at US Eye

Schedule a 15-Minute Meeting

Learn how our integrated solution drives staff efficiency and automatically corrects your most common coding and billing issues

The Challenge

Even the most organized PEB groups can struggle with onboarding newly acquired medical groups. Finding the right approach and technology depends on your systems and goals. Some change management challenges our clients have identified include: 

The Solution

Our tools will help you gain control over your processes, team, and performance.

  • Streamline data coming from multiple EMRs and apply your team’s best practices and expertise against every encounter

  • Build a rule repository of your coding and billing team’s knowledge 

  • Simplify and automate the review process by correcting issues early in the revenue cycle
Staff Efficiency

  • Automatically review all encounters and autocorrect routine coding and billing errors without manual staff intervention

  • Reduce administrative coding and billing tasks from your providers by applying custom rules to every encounter

  • Eliminate the need to train new team members since rules will instruct them on required changes early in the revenue cycle
RCM Performance

  • Reduce denials and days in A/R by implementing a standardized and automated review/correction process 

  • Reduce missed revenue by eliminating human error

  • Hire new physicians without having to add additional coding/billing staff to handle increased charges

Proven Performance for PE-backed Medical Groups

“I checked with ADP and RCxRules has never taken a vacation day, a sick day, or been late to work. It does what we want it to do every single time, that consistency is a game changer.” 

Duane Sheldon   |   Director of Revenue Cycle at Vision Innovation Partners