

Let's Talk

We look forward to learning more about your practice.

See results on day one—schedule a 15-minute discovery meeting today.

  • Automatically review 100% of your charges for coding accuracy before claim creation
  • Negate the need to "hunt" for errors, allowing your team to focus only on claims with errors
  • Automatically fix charges with routine data errorsno manual touch needed. For example, based on payer, patient age, and number of injection immunizations given, we'll ensure that the 90472 administration code has the correct number of units added
“RCxRules has changed the way we work for the better, allowing us to expand our business without increasing the size of our team. We can take on more with less. Our dedicated RCxRules implementation and support team have been outstanding, working with us every step of the way—responsive, competent, and flexible.”
Chris Hughes
CEO, Director, Central Billing Operations
"The automation RCxRules brought to our HCC coding process led to a dramatic productivity hike in our organization and is a key factor in our success with MSSP. The technology is extremely user friendly and the RCxRules team is flexible and responsive."
Kimberly Clifton
Director of ACO Operations, Arizona Community Physicians

Stop manually reviewing charges, today!

Trusted By

More Complete and Accurate Medicare RAF Scores

Our AI technology reviews every encounter that leaves your EMR in real time. If an encounter does not need coder review, it automatically passes through to your revenue cycle system in milliseconds. If the technology detects an HCC coding gap, it directs the encounter to a coder for review. These changes are integrated back into your revenue cycle system, so accurate claims are sent every time.

20% 20% of Medicare Advantage claims are miscoded
$250,000 A single coder working with the HCC Coding Engine can find at least $250,000 in RAF value every month
Day 1 Results starting day 1: coders can positively impact accurate RAF scores immediately after implementing the HCC Coding Engine